The Shades of War – 9

‘If he were to be okay as you have said, he would have replied my letter by now.’ Hot tears escaped in single streaks from both eyes. She had closed her eyes so hard to keep them in, but with the pressure they had amassed, there was no stopping them. Her voice was also crackling now and thick saliva extended from one lip to the other as she let the burden in her heart escape through her mouth, but they never finished. Her heart only got heavier and hotter with every speech she made. ‘I know him. I know him.

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The Shades of War – 8

It was so appalling, so disgusting and any other word one could use that expressed a feeling of irritation. What on earth was the meaning of what Lt Rikan had told Major Richard? He had done it to kill tension or maybe protect the Captain’s heroic image. That was what Captain Achor would have expected him to do. To say something that sounded as though they were fully in control of the situation. It was going to be a blame game should he have opened up that his Captain and six other able bodied men were missing. Not dead, but missing. Continue reading

The Shades of War – 7

‘It is 2am sir’ Sgt Philip alerted Achor. He had been told to watch the time. Achor stood up with such agility like he had not been lying down a few seconds back, and as he stood the rest of the soldiers in his platoon stood also. They were to crawl on their bellies while only one man, the man with the binoculars, stood occasionally to view their destination. Continue reading

The Shades of War – 3


Shades of war

‘The real men’, he sighed at his thoughtlessness in referring to them as ‘real men’. Could any of these men qualify for real men? They were all men without pride and honour. His rage heightened in his hiding place. He had zoomed through his hiding place in the speed of light and unnoticed, and in slow motion, stabbed all those ‘real men’ in their hearts one by one, switching the dagger from his right to left as he deemed fit, and twisting it with every stab to ensure every artery, vein or tissue were left disjointed and irredeemable. He stared with bloodshot at their wasted bodies lying in the pool of their own blood and was gratified. He opened his eyes and it had all happened in his head. Continue reading