Here the whole world stand

Beholding the earth slowly wind down

We yearn for rest, it has come yet we frown

We long for peace, but not the peace beneath the sand


Now Fear steadily makes her offer

She’s the beautiful Leah we ignored for Rebecca

Now Rebecca is ailing and just might die

and she’s what we’ve got to lean on and cry


For once, it is clear the things that matter

For once, we hear that our homes are safer

Humanity would always win the war

After she loses her cravings for more


In the light of all these, I see what unites us

Of course it’s not wealth, but maybe not the virus

It’s the one thing we all share – that desire on the inside

The will to overcome and to stand on the victor’s side


It’s the reason we can adapt – the reason we evolve

We’ve played this script over and over, and yet we remain

There is an end to the world, but it shall be to our gain

We perish not by a virus – That’s our resolve.


Photo credit – South China Morning Post

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